Tag, File & Share Emails
For quick filing and sharing of important emails with departments, teams or groups of people.
Centrally file and archive emails and share them with those that need access. Tag emails with up to 6 index fields that match your company’s electronic filing system.
Create rules within Mailsafe so that the moment an email is sent or received it can be automatically tagged, filed away, and made available to access by other members in your team/group/department.
An email will only be tagged if it matches a specific rule for either a Subject Line Match (e.g. Client Code, Contract Number, Project Name etc.), Specific Email Address, or Domain Name.
Emails can also be manually tagged by users for easy and detailed categorisation.
Manual Tagging works in conjunction with Auto Tagging so that filed emails have all the relevant information for your business.
The more index fields that are applied to an emails, the more accurate and specific search result at a future date.
Each email can have up to six tag fields applied to it to enable easier searching and access at a future date.
The index fields are defined by you to exactly match your business or industry requirement.
Need to make specific emails accessible to other users or groups even if they weren’t included as sender or recipient?
Within Mailsafe you can create groups of users and make tagged emails available to those groups e.g. Directors, Finance Department, Human Resources.
All emails archived using Mailsafe are stored in a secure and efficient way.
Emails are tamper-proof with AES256 bit encryption, ensuring a true copy of the original email is stored away.
Average compression of archived emails is 50% meaning you retain a lean archive.
Mailsafe integrates with all currently supported versions of Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft365 (Compliance and AutoTagging)